What is Aquatic Therapy
Aquatic therapy refers to the act of carrying out physical therapy in a pool. This makes doing physical therapy more enjoyable, along with many other tangible benefits.

Aquatic Therapy Benefits
One benefit of using Aquatic therapy, or pool therapy, is the buoyancy of the water which assists in supporting the weight of the patient. This reduces the stress on the joints and allows patients with arthritis or broken bones to do physical activity in a safe environment.
We treat:
Post-Orthopedic Surgeries
Sports-Related Injuries
Orthopedic Injuries
Spinal Cord Injury
Spina Bifida
Cerebral Palsy
Back Pain
Parkinson's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Developmental Disorders
Guillain Barre
Hip, Knee, Ankle Pains
Muscular Dystrophy
Brachial Plexus Injury
Post-Polio Syndrome
Juvenile RA
Congenital Musculoskeletal Conditions

Features Of the Therapeutic Pool
heated/temperature controlled
Stairs with rails
Benefits of the water
Increased Strength
Improve Balance and Coordination
Improve Cardiovascular Endurance
Improve Flexibility
Muscle Relaxation
Pain Reduction
Improve Functional Mobility
For Those with Weight-Bearing Restrictions, the Different Levels of Body Immersions Reduces a Percentage of Body Weight on the Legs.